80+ Happy Clients
80+ Happy Clients
Hi, I'm Muggle!
Hi, I'm Muggle!
HTML5/CSS3 Mastery
Product Design
Collaborative Team Player
HTML5/CSS3 Mastery
Product Design
Collaborative Team Player
About Muggle
스튜디오 머글은 팬덤 문화를 이해하고 공유하는 것을 목표로 하는
콘텐츠 제작사입니다.
우리는 연예인을 향한 팬들의 열정이 지닌 가치와 긍정적인 면모를
발굴하고 알리는 데 주력합니다.
스튜디오 머글은 팬덤 문화를 이해하고 공유하는 것을 목표로 하는
콘텐츠 제작사입니다.
우리는 연예인을 향한 팬들의 열정이 지닌 가치와 긍정적인 면모를
발굴하고 알리는 데 주력합니다.
스튜디오 머글은 팬덤 문화를 이해하고 공유하는 것을 목표로 하는
콘텐츠 제작사입니다.
우리는 연예인을 향한 팬들의 열정이 지닌 가치와 긍정적인 면모를
발굴하고 알리는 데 주력합니다.
핵심 콘텐츠인 '관찰 예능'과 '훈련 다큐'를 통해
덕질러들의 일상과 연예인들의 노력하는 모습을 생생하게 담아냅니다.
이를 통해 대중들에게 팬덤에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓히고,
팬들에게는 연예인을 보다 입체적으로 바라볼 수 있는 계기를 마련합니다.
핵심 콘텐츠인 '관찰 예능'과 '훈련 다큐'를 통해
덕질러들의 일상과 연예인들의 노력하는 모습을 생생하게 담아냅니다.
이를 통해 대중들에게 팬덤에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓히고,
팬들에게는 연예인을 보다 입체적으로 바라볼 수 있는 계기를 마련합니다.
핵심 콘텐츠인 '관찰 예능'과 '훈련 다큐'를 통해
덕질러들의 일상과 연예인들의 노력하는 모습을 생생하게 담아냅니다.
이를 통해 대중들에게 팬덤에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓히고,
팬들에게는 연예인을 보다 입체적으로 바라볼 수 있는 계기를 마련합니다.
스튜디오 머글은 팬덤 문화 안에서 열정과 창의성을 발현하되,
윤리 의식을 갖추고 인권을 존중하는 것을 핵심 가치로 삼고 있습니다.
혁신적인 컨텐츠로 팬덤 문화의 새로운 지평을 열어가겠습니다.
스튜디오 머글은 팬덤 문화 안에서 열정과 창의성을 발현하되,
윤리 의식을 갖추고 인권을 존중하는 것을 핵심 가치로 삼고 있습니다.
혁신적인 컨텐츠로 팬덤 문화의 새로운 지평을 열어가겠습니다.
스튜디오 머글은 팬덤 문화 안에서 열정과 창의성을 발현하되,
윤리 의식을 갖추고 인권을 존중하는 것을 핵심 가치로 삼고 있습니다.
혁신적인 컨텐츠로 팬덤 문화의 새로운 지평을 열어가겠습니다.
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Figma is my collaborative design platform of choice. I utilize it to work seamlessly with team members and clients, facilitating real-time feedback and design iterations. Its cloud-based approach streamlines the design process.
Figma is my collaborative design platform of choice. I utilize it to work seamlessly with team members and clients, facilitating real-time feedback and design iterations. Its cloud-based approach streamlines the design process.
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Figma is my collaborative design platform of choice. I utilize it to work seamlessly with team members and clients, facilitating real-time feedback and design iterations. Its cloud-based approach streamlines the design process.
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Notion helps me keep my projects organized. I use it for project management, task tracking, and as a central hub for documentation, ensuring that everything from design notes to project timelines is in one place.
Notion helps me keep my projects organized. I use it for project management, task tracking, and as a central hub for documentation, ensuring that everything from design notes to project timelines is in one place.
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Notion helps me keep my projects organized. I use it for project management, task tracking, and as a central hub for documentation, ensuring that everything from design notes to project timelines is in one place.
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Airtable is my go-to solution for robust data organization. I harness its power to create structured databases, making information easily accessible and ensuring a systematic approach to handling complex datasets.
Airtable is my go-to solution for robust data organization. I harness its power to create structured databases, making information easily accessible and ensuring a systematic approach to handling complex datasets.
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Airtable is my go-to solution for robust data organization. I harness its power to create structured databases, making information easily accessible and ensuring a systematic approach to handling complex datasets.
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LemonSqueezy stands as my comprehensive solution for managing every aspect of my SaaS business. From seamless payment processing and subscription management to global tax compliance and fraud prevention, this all-in-one platform simplifies the complexities of running a SaaS operation.
LemonSqueezy stands as my comprehensive solution for managing every aspect of my SaaS business. From seamless payment processing and subscription management to global tax compliance and fraud prevention, this all-in-one platform simplifies the complexities of running a SaaS operation.
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LemonSqueezy stands as my comprehensive solution for managing every aspect of my SaaS business. From seamless payment processing and subscription management to global tax compliance and fraud prevention, this all-in-one platform simplifies the complexities of running a SaaS operation.
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Mailchimp is my go-to for elevating outreach strategies. I utilize its features to craft engaging email campaigns, manage subscriber lists, and analyze performance data, ensuring effective and targeted communication.
Mailchimp is my go-to for elevating outreach strategies. I utilize its features to craft engaging email campaigns, manage subscriber lists, and analyze performance data, ensuring effective and targeted communication.
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Mailchimp is my go-to for elevating outreach strategies. I utilize its features to craft engaging email campaigns, manage subscriber lists, and analyze performance data, ensuring effective and targeted communication.
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Slack is the cornerstone of my collaborative workflow. It fosters a dynamic environment where teams can seamlessly exchange ideas, share files, and provide real-time feedback.
Slack is the cornerstone of my collaborative workflow. It fosters a dynamic environment where teams can seamlessly exchange ideas, share files, and provide real-time feedback.
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Slack is the cornerstone of my collaborative workflow. It fosters a dynamic environment where teams can seamlessly exchange ideas, share files, and provide real-time feedback.
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Adobe Creative Cloud is my comprehensive toolkit for unleashing creative potential. It offers a powerful suite of applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects, each designed to excel in specific design tasks.
Adobe Creative Cloud is my comprehensive toolkit for unleashing creative potential. It offers a powerful suite of applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects, each designed to excel in specific design tasks.
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Adobe Creative Cloud is my comprehensive toolkit for unleashing creative potential. It offers a powerful suite of applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects, each designed to excel in specific design tasks.
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복덕방은 복귀하는 팬들과 입덕을 접한 분들을 위해
독특한 스토리를 선사하며, 덕질러들과 지친 이들이
다시 돌아올 수 있도록 만든 컨테츠입니다.
본 콘텐츠를 통해 힐링 받기를 바랍니다.
컨텐츠 준비 중 입니다.
컨텐츠 준비 중 입니다.